1. Revise the vocabulary in unit 4 ( Bridges 1, Burlington Books )
2. Go to http://energyquest.ca.gov/movieroom/index.html
and watch the following videos:
“ Fighting Global Warming” and “ The Science of the Solar Cell”
3. Go to http://www.epa.gov/watersense/kids/index.html
click on “ why save water”, “simple ways to save water”, and play the game on http://www.epa.gov/watersense/kids/games.html
4. Do you want to know more about environmental issues? Then go to http://www.eco-pros.com/
5. Now you can try these quizzes below:
The Green Quiz:
The Energy Quiz:
WRITING . - Write a brief summary of the activity: What were the videos and readings about? Do you think environmental issues are important, why or why not? How did you do with the quizzes?